Human Mind and Migration (HMM) is an interdisciplinary internship program initiated and led by Paksy Plackis-Cheng (impactmania) for the students from UC Santa Barbara and Messaggero Veneto Scuola in Italy (2019-2021). Thank you to the students, interviewees, public who participated in the HMM survey, guest lecturers: Emmy award-winning investigative journalist, Carla de Landri, Chair of the Department of Religious Studies, Fabio Rambelli, Chair of the Art Department, Prof. Kim Yasuda, and Michela Gilli. AD&A Museum and Eric Copsey, Paola Ferrari, Gabriella Scrufari, Annalisa Chirico, Martina Chirico, Francesca Milocco, UCSB Trustee, Prof. Emeritus Duncan Mellichamp, and UCSB Trustee, Eva Haller.